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On Thursday, January 16th City Club hosted a forum called Vital Signs: How the Business of Healthcare is Changing in Oregon to delve into the business of providing healthcare, discuss the challenges faced by state and local providers, and explore potential solutions to ensure that our community continues to have access to high-quality healthcare.


  • Kat Mastrangelo (Moderator), Executive Director, Volunteers in Medicine
  • Mike Bonetto, Co-Founder & Partner, tenfold health
  • Seth Dugan-Knight, Legislative Director for the Oregon House Majority Office
  • Nicole S. Ramos, East Cascades Regional Economist, Oregon Employment Department

You can access the demographic slides presented by Nicole Ramos, Regional Economist East Cascades, Oregon Employment Department Population.Worforce Slide. N.Ramos

A summary of HB 4130 discussed by Seth Dugan-Knight can be found here and the full text of the bill can be found here.