Kim Gammond - City Club of Central Oregon Exec. Dir

City Club Executive Director

Kim Gammond

Learn more about Kim here

City Club of Central Oregon - Board

The City Club Board of Directors approaches its governance responsibilities in a manner which emphasizes strategic leadership more than administrative detail, outward vision rather than an internal preoccupation, future rather than past or present orientation, proactive activity rather than reactivity, a clear distinction of Board of Director and Executive Director roles with an emphasis on encouragement of diversity in viewpoints, collective rather than individual decisions. It remains focused on the Vision, Mission and Ends of City Club.

Reach out to our Executive Director, Kim Gammond, with any questions.

2024 City Club of Central Oregon Board of Directors

City Club Board President

Linda Orcelletto

KPOV High Desert Community Radio


City Club President Elect

Zak Boone

Chief Advancement Officer, Central Oregon Community College, and Executive Director COCC Foundation

Jacob Fain - City Club Board President

City Club Board Treasurer

Jacob Fain

VP, Financial Advisor & Family Wealth Advisor at the Desert Pine Group at Morgan Stanley

Blair Garland - OSU and past president of City Club of Central Oregon

City Club Past President

Blair Garland

OSU-CASCADES, Chief Marketing and Engagement Officer

City Club Board Secretary

Daisy Layman

Community Member


City Club Board Member

Bill Buchanan

Buchanan Schmid llc, Attorney

City Club Board Member

Christine Coffin

Director of Communications & Content Strategy, OSU-Cascades

No photo submitted

City Club Board Member

Keith Dodge

Keith L. Dodge CPA

City Club Board Member

Alayne Fardella

City Club Board Member

Don Paumier

Paumier Strategic Solutions


City Club Board Member

Kat Mastrangelo

Executive Director, Volunteers in Medicine Clinic of the Cascades

 City Club Board Member

Carlos Salcedo

Community Partnerships Manager, St. Charles Heath System


City Club Board Member

Ruth Williamson

Owner, Ruth Williamson Consulting

No photo submitted

City Club Board Member

Destiny Wilder

Athletic Secretary and Admin, Bend LaPine Schools