Forum Reflections & Resources
COCC Virtual Candidate Forum
May 3, 2023 Zone 5 (Bend): Diane Berry and Erin Merz Zone 6 (Black Butte, Sisters): Kevin Knight, Jim Porter and Maureen Radon. Micheal Sipe has withdrawn from this race and David E. Price was unable to attend. Moderator: Gerry [...]
Bend LaPine Schools Zone 6 & 7 Virtual Candidate Forum
April 27, 2023 Confirmed Candidates: Zone 6: Melissa Barnes Dholakia Zone 7: Kina Chadwick Rod Hanson Elizabeth Justema Declined to participate: Zone 7 -Nicole Fitch and Zone 6 - Chet Wamboldt Moderated by: Nicole Vulcan, The Source [...]
Bend LaPine Schools Zone 3 & 5 Virtual Candidate Forum
April 26, 2023 Candidates: Zone 3 (Precincts 2,4,6, 9, 25,32): Cameron Fischer and Christopher Strengberg Zone 5 (Precincts 21,33,34,42,43,44): Sherrie Grieef and Amy Tatom Moderated by: Joni Land, Central Oregon Correspondent at OPB [...]
Deschutes Public Library Virtual Candidate Forum
April 25, 2022 Candidates: Zone 1: Cynthia Claridge and Tony Oliver (please note that Ms. Oliver will not appear on screen, but you will be able to hear her answers). Zone 4: Marisa Hossick and Raymond Miao Moderator: Kim Scott, [...]
Regional City Managers Forum
April 20, 2023 City Club of Central Oregon hosted its Annual Regional City Managers Forum at Tetherow Resort on Thursday, April 20th. Tammy Baney, Executive Director of the Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council, hosted the Forum which included: Eric King, City [...]