City Club of Central Oregon 2024-2026 Strategic Plan

As the City Club of Central Oregon approaches 20 years since our founding we face a changing community and a shifting philanthropic climate. Our 2024-2026 Strategic Plan will ensure our long-term financial stability and relevance in the community with a relentless focus on our mission and values.

Strategic Goals:

Build a New Business Model

  • Reposition City Club from an event-based organization to a valued community asset funded and sustained by its supporters, both individuals and businesses in the local community, by moving from a “transactional” business model (membership is a way to get discounts on attendance) to a community supportted model (membership is a donation that supports the mission, values, and service to the community City Club offers).

Broaden our Program Offerings

  • Reach a broader audience by offering programs at different times of the day, different program formats, and include member-requested content. Continue to take on topics that are difficult to discuss but critically relevant to our community. Continue to collaborate with other regional civic organizations to leverage content and education in our community.

Focus on Community Engagement and Awareness

  • Implement a plan structured around key metrics to assess our success in community engagement, awareness, and financial support. Launch a sophisticated branding and communications plan to ensure City Club of Central Oregon is the “place to be” to meet your neighbors and network with new colleagues.

Increase Membership

  • Increase and diversify the number of our individual and corporate members by removing barriers, broadening programming that represents diverse viewpoints, and advances understanding and new pathways for building trust. Develop a scholarship program to sponsor more diverse participation.

Create Ambassador Volunteers

  • Prepare our cadre of committed volunteers with skills training in facilitating conversation, empowering them to participate in broader community outreach, and gaining a cohesive understanding of all committee goals so all efforts work together in support of our mission.