Avoiding the Pitfalls of Urban Renewal

Urban renewal is not just for blighted inner cities. With Bend’s fast-paced growth, we have the opportunity to redefine the center of our city as a place that accommodates mixed residential and commercial development, entertainment and community-friendly spaces. The City of Bend’s Core Area Planning process is currently identifying how to move these opportunities forward, using tools like urban renewal.

This month’s forum will focus on the Bend Central District (BCD), which has been the impetus for much planning and community advocacy to become a more dense, mixed-use neighborhood.

Featured speaker Michele Reeves is a national expert in helping communities recognize and leverage their strengths, and accomplish their economic development goals. Michelle will show how other communities have successfully used redevelopment to create vibrancy and provide economic opportunity to a wide cross section of their community, along with pitfalls to avoid. Case studies will include urban renewal and economic development initiatives that:

  • Lower barriers to entry for minority-owned businesses
  • Provide wealth-building opportunities for small businesses priced out of a market.
  • Create district vitality for modest investments

In addition, hear from Allison Platt, Senior Planner of Growth Management with the City of Bend with a brief update of the current progress in the BCD.

Bring your curiosity, and questions. This forum is designed to make you more informed, and engaged about the future of Bend and its infrastructure.